Wednesday Guest Spotlight

Welcome to Wednesday Guest Spotlight when we learn some fun facts about our 2017 Attending Guests.

How about a video to get to know The Long Losts and their music!

One of George’s personal goals is to educate people so that they have an amazing time when they visit a theme park.

Won second place in the ConCarolinas 2017 Badge Art Contest. Look for her artwork being featured on the Guest’s badges.

John Dondero . . . Banana tested, Dondero approved.

Dave Harlequin can be seen on Carolina’s Own Podforce Five

Rysa Walker has a hyperactive golden retriever.

Chris Shrewsbury earned first prize in the Doctor Who division at NC Comicon with his detailed mobile replica of the TARDIS built around his wheelchair.

Besides being a SciFi/Fantasy Author, James P. McDonald speaks on futurism and coming disruptive technologies and their impact on businesses and all of our daily lives.

Letting the music introduce you to Nick Edelstein