Announcing the return of Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit as Master of Ceremonies for 2015

Please welcome back Podcasting’s Rich Sigfrit as the 2015 Master of Ceremonies.

podcastings rich sigfritTo say that I enjoy podcasting and new media would be a gross understatement. My credits include mentions in high school and collegiate papers, newspapers, Podcasting for Dummies, and Advanced Podcasting Tricks. I have been called an innovator, having created the first fandom podcast (RotO), the first podcast for an Independent Wrestling Federation (Halo: Hardwired), and distributed the first comic book made available via podcast feed (Podcast 9). I was the force behind the official Troma Podcast and a former host/editor of the 501stCast, the official podcast of the 501st Stormtrooper Legion. I co-wrote, with Davey Beauchamp, the Amazing Pulp Adventures Radio Show starring Mister Adventure Script book, with its second volume debuting soon. Along with his writing talents, Davey and I have been doing Mister Adventure via podcast and live on stage for the past 5 years.

I have also done commercial voice work as the voice of CRASH and SWE Wrestling, Volaris phone systems, Howards RV and Fit Family NC (also providing puppetering). I have MC’d numerous events at various cons and am the host of Thinkin’ While you’re Drinkin’, a traveling Trivia company. Between the podcasts, requested voices from other shows, and father of 3, various audio sketches and dramas have been heard on ChronoRadio, Star Wars and Beyond, SwitchedOn Show, the Geeklabel Podcast and Dragon Pages’ Wingin’ It syndicated show, (plus countless guest appearances on other shows) of which I am very proud. Currently, I am the media consultant for GOUGE pro Wrestling and the voice of Nerd-Vana, RTP’s only Nerd/Geek themed Burlesque/Variety show.

In my spare time, I sleep.