ConChat with ConCarolinas 2017 Graphic Artists Rich Molinelli & Ben Mirabelli

ConChat with Rich Molinelli (Advertisements, Promotions, and Programming Books)

1) What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

He-man and the Masters of the Universe

2) What is your go to comfort food?

Bacon Cheeseburger and Friends

3) What was the first book you read that you have gone back and read over and over again?

Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy

4) Current favorite song?

Johnny Cash Hurt

5) Current favorite TV show?

Chicago PD

ConChat with Ben Mirabelli (signage)


1) What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

Jeeze, um…Voltron? transformers? Exo squad? I had a lot.

2) What is your go to comfort food?

Anything with potatoes

3) What was the first book you read that you have gone back and read over and over again?

I actually don’t read books more than once.

4) Current favorite song?

At the moment: The Darkness: Last of Our Kind

5) Current favorite TV show? Star Wars Rebels