Every year we do interviews with Guests of Honor, Special Guests, and Featured Guests. Recently we asked Artist Guests Ursula Vernon and Rich Molinelli the following question:
If you were stuck on a desert island with a tablet and a solar charger, what one of the following would you want:
- Book
- Movie or Television series
- Music
- Games
- Book – he clever answer is books on surviving on desert islands, of
course, but I’d also like a copy of the Swiss Family Robinson so I could
go through line-by-line and get indignant about how wrong it was. - Movie – he complete movies of Studio Ghibli, particularly Spirited
Away - Music – the complete discography of Led Zeppelin.
- Game – I would probably want Bejeweled or Solitaire or something mindless and addictive that I could play over and over, because even a very complex game like Dragon
Age, once I’d played every possible variation, would get tiresome.

Rich Molinelli
- Book – Batman: The Killing Joke, Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Mad Love
- Music – Guns N Roses and Metallica
- TV Series – Game of Thrones
- Games – final Fantasy VII, Diablo 3 and Transformers: Devastation