We will be going onsite later today but our “office” is officially closed. If you have questions, come to the convention and ask.
I didn’t purchase a membership! Help! or I can’t remember if I purchased a membership through Eventbrite.
- Go to our Attend page for At the door pricing and for instructions on how to check on Eventbrite to see if you have purchased a membership.
I’m a member of the Press.
- Please go to the Info Desk in South Registration (the info desk is across from Registration). They will put you in touch with Jada Diaz.
Can I sign up for the Costume Contest online stil?
- Sign ups will be taken onsite at the Info Desk. If you already signed up, no need to sign up again.
So, what’s this all about? Is there some kind of schedule? Where’s is this being held?
- Read our About section
- Here is our schedule
- ConCarolinas is being held at the Embassy Suites and Concord Convention Center. The address is 5400 John Q. Hammons Drive NW, Concord, NC located off of Bruton Smith Blvd.
What about Overflow Parking?
- Read this blog entry
I still have questions!
- Then please come to the con and ask at the info desk!