ConCarolinas 2016 welcomes Chad Pulliam and Star Cars. Chad will be bringing his KITT and KARR cars to ConCarolinas.

“I’m Chad Pulliam, born and raised here in North Carolina. What got me started on building Star Cars? It’s quite simple actually.
It all started with the love of the original 80’s TV shows that used to come on as a kid. Started building our first Star Car back in 1998 with a 1969 Dodge Charger that would later become the General Lee from Dukes of Hazzard. Father and I built 90% of the car from Paint, Body and Graphics. We have come to enjoy the General while doing many events with the original actors from the show.
Not only did I watch Dukes growing up but another car caught my eye. Along with the Orange 01 1969 Dodge Charger jumping up in the air, was a certain black Trans Am that had a red scanner light up front. It talked and just had to hit Turbo Boost and jumped as well. KITT had a crazy computerized looking dash, but the car had lots of personality. Every detail was gone over to replicate KITT from the show including the fiberglass parts are made from the original molds and templates from the show.
After the process of building KITT. We started on KARR, which is the evil twin of KITT. All our Star Cars are signed by the cast and crew of the original hit 80s television series.”
Chad is also the Commanding Officer for the Rebel Legion’s Blue Ridge Base – a Star Wars costuming group dedicated to the “good guys and gals” of the Star Wars Universe.
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