ConCarolinas has a long tradition of providing tabletop gaming for attendees. From tabletop board games to RPGs and more, ConCarolinas wants to provide an exceptional weekend for gamers.
How do I register to play games?
1. You must have a badge for the convention. Go here to REGISTER.
2. We recommend using Sched to see our gaming schedules. Sched is a convenient, easy-to-learn app that helps you manage your time at ConCarolinas and keep track of programming events that interest you. You can use Sched to find game session times and table locations. If you see a game that interests you, sign-up at the gaming registration table inside of Glenwaters to secure a seat at the table.
Want to run games?
Do you have a proposal for a game you’d like to run? If so, fill out the Game Master application. (Click the tab that says Applications). A successful gaming experience at ConCarolinas relies on volunteer Game Masters. Game Masters are in charge of making sure their games start/end on time and that their players are having an enjoyable experience. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you’d like to run a board game, card game, miniatures game, role-playing game, or LARP.
Game Masters will be expected to provide a copy of the proposed game, along with any other pens, paper, etc., needed for their players to play. Game Masters may also play in their proposed game if the maximum number of players isn’t met.
What do Game Masters earn for volunteering?
4 hours = any one day badge for free
8 hours = weekend badge for free
Gaming hours are Friday 2:00pm until midnight, Saturday 9:00am until midnight, and Sunday 9:00am until 6:00pm. For scheduling purposes, games will start at the beginning of each hour and must begin at least one hour before the game rooms close.
Send any questions or comments to gaming@concarolinas.org