Sched is a handy scheduling app that can help you plan your time at ConCarolinas. It will be updated online until the beginning of the convention, and it will appear on this website at the beginning of May. It will wiggle and squirm a bit over the weeks that follow as we make updates, however.
ConCarolinas typically offers hundreds of hours of programming over the weekend. Our programming is divided into the following tracks.
WRITING Published writers discuss the craft and art of being an author
GEEK LIFE Fun-filled discussions about popular fandoms in film, TV, books, and video games
FILM Filmmakers and film-lovers provide behind the scenes advice and present our Film Festival
COSTUMING & CREATIVITY Costuming tips, prop building, game design, and the art of creativity
PARANORMAL Paranormal researchers share intriguing stories about ghosts, cryptozoology, and aliens
CONTENT CREATION Digital media has changed the world, from podcasting to YouTube and beyond
SCIENCE/TECH Professionals discuss a huge universe of science and technology
GAMING Board games, role-playing games, card games, LARP, miniature games, and party games
ENTERTAINMENT Musicians, comedians, and performance artists