It is with great pleasure that we announce the selected films for the ConCarolinas Short Film Festival. It proved to be a particularly difficult selection process this year with an unusually high number of excellent films clocking in at just under the maximum time, necessitating some difficult choices. The selected films are:
BRIDE OF FRANKIE- Written and Directed by Devi Snively
GUT PUNCHED- Written and Directed by Christopher G. Moore
KILLING GIGGLES- Written and Directed by Jaysen Buterin
THE HIDDEN- Written and Directed by Chris Baker from a story by Juan J Ruiz
THE DARKROOM- Written and Directed by Morgane Segaert
EXPECTANT- Written and Directed by Benjamin Sliker and Matthew Bumby
SAVE- Written and Directed by Iván Sáinz-Pardo
SKIN BABY-Written and Directed by Ken Cohen
BACKDOOR CLOWN- Written and Directed by Alan Watkins
THE DRYAD TREE- Written and Directed by Peter Davidson
BULLIES- Written and Directed by Daniel Bydlowski
WHAT WE”RE READING TODAY- Written and Directed by Devon Johnson
CLOSE-UP- Written and Directed by Maria Wieczorek
CLOSING TIME- Written by Dave Harlequin Directed by Adam York
MAJOR BOB- Written and Directed by Kevin Patterson
RED & BLUE- Written and Directed by Allison Mabe
FOR LOVE- Written and Directed by Kevin Murray
PSYCHOACOUSITICS- Written and Directed by Michelle Iannantuono
PRELUDE: A LOVE STORY- Written and Directed by England Simpson
CUERDAS- Written and Directed by Pedro Solís García
HOT QUESTIONS- Writtenby Alexander Julian III Directed by Dean Garris
THE LAST AIRBnB- Written by Nick Vernon Directed by Logan O’Neill
We will be releasing a schedule for the festival and look forward to meeting many of the filmmakers in person. Thank you for sharing your creative work with us!
Bill Mulligan, ConCarolinas Short Film Festival Manager
Jason Gilbert, ConCarolinas Short Film Festival Assistant Manager

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