ConCarolinas is proud to announce the 2016 Music Guest of Honor – The way to the EGRESS.

This Way to the EGRESS has been told to find a box in which they could fit themselves; however, one needs a rather large box to fit all six members—and their accordions, tubas, electric guitars, trombones, pianos, and drums. So instead they move forth doing what they do best; cascading onto the stage in an explosion of sound and color that’s equal parts unruly vaudeville, ebullient world beat band and three ring circus. The six-person troupe plays a swooning amalgamation of styles that catapults the audience through time and space with unexpected shifts of styles, costumes and time signatures.
As a point of trivia, the band’s name is a reference to P.T. Barnum’s ploy to move people along at his sideshows. Instead of using “This way to the exit” he had a sign that said “This way to the EGRESS” so that people would think there was another exhibit.
Listen to their latest song “We won’t go!”.
Remember, support your favorite ConCom member by using their 10% off of Membership Registration Rate! The one who sells the most membership gets a prize!
Carol (Programming):
Dawson (Vice Chair and Dealer Room:
Donna (Hallway Tables):
Greg (Gaming):
Luis (Security):
Mary (Registration):
Sue (Secretary and Treasurer):