Addressing the sale of stolen artwork at ConCarolinas 2015

This past weekend at ConCarolinas it was discovered that a fan group was selling illegally obtained artwork. This group did not have the permission to do this by ConCarolinas nor by each of the artists whose work was being sold. We apologize to each individual artist who has been impacted by this. As soon as we became aware of the situation, we took action to have the artwork removed. We have taken other action but will keep that action private at this time.

Artists work hard and are rarely paid what they are worth. To have their work stolen and resold is unscrupulous and unethical even if the group says the money collected goes to a charity. While ConCarolinas supports charities, we would never support raising monies by illegal means.


Edit: Going forward we are going to be reviewing the language in all of our agreements to ensure this situation does not occur again.