Site icon ConCarolinas 2024

Convention Rules

Con Rules

Harassment Policy

ConCarolinas has a no tolerance harassment and anti-bullying policy both at the convention site and via any social networks, blogs, or websites during the convention or on the convention’s social media throughout the year. Any violators will be removed from the convention area, any posts removed from online sources and violators will be permanently banned from future conventions with no refund of any funds spent. ConCarolinas reserves the right to deny membership to any individual who has practiced harassment or bullying either at other conventions or on social media sites.

ConCarolinas is an apolitical, non-religious organization. Discussions in panels and on our social media are to remain polite. Trolling will not be tolerated.

We encourage anyone who feels harassed to make a report to ConCarolinas ConCom or our security staff. If harassment is happening on a hotel floor, please call the front desk and ask for security. If you feel you are in imminent danger, please call 911.

If you see something, say something.

General Dress Code Guidelines

During the hours of 9am to 9pm, please keep the costumes family friendly. This includes no nudity or see-through or extremely revealing clothing, and no profanity or offensive language displayed.

No shirt, no shoes*, no service. Please keep your shirts on during normal con hours.

Art and costumes of an overtly adult or fetish nature should not be seen or worn at our con during normal con hours.

* – If your costumed character does not wear shoes, we still require you to have something on the bottom of your feet.  Here is a tutorial on how to make invisible shoes –


You are attending a convention.  As such, you should expect that your image might show up in pictures. We ask that anyone taking photographs respect requests from those who do not want their picture taken.

Costume and Group pictures/Hallway Traffic – Please do not block Hallway Traffic while taking pictures.  Con Security will ask you to find a less trafficked place to take pictures.  There are plenty of nice backdrops for pictures around the outside of the hotel.

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