Pathfinder Society RPG schedule for ConCarolinas 2016 has been posted to OGRe. See it on the Event Schedule or the Organized Play view.
PF Module: Crypt of the Everflame
PF Module: Fangwood Keep
PF Module: Realm of the Fellnight Queen
PFS 0-05: Mists of Mwangi
PFS 0-06: Black Waters
PFS 0-08: Slave Pits of Absalom
PFS 1-34: Encounter at the Drowning Stones
PFS 2-04: Shadows Fall on Absalom
PFS 3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom
PFS 3-04: The Kortos Envoy
PFS 4-13: Fortress of the Nail
PFS 5-09: The Traitor’s Lodge
PFS 5-13: Weapon in the Rift
PFS 6-04 Beacon Below
PFS 6-05 Slave Ships of Absalom
PFS 6-98: Serpents Rise
PFS 6-99: True Dragons of Absalom
PFS 7-05: School of Spirits
PFS 7-07: Trouble in Tamran
PFS 7-09: The Blakros Connection
PFS 7-14: Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1: Let Bygones Be
PFS 7-15: The Deepmarket Deception
PFS 7-16: Faithless and Forgotten, Part 2: Lost Colony of Taldor
PFS 7-17: Thralls of the Shattered God
PFS 7-18 – Faithless and Forgotten, Part 3: The Infernal Inheritance
PFS 7-19: Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts
PFS 7-21 The Sun Orchid Scheme
PFS 7-22: Bid for Alabastrine
PFS 7-23 Abducted in Aether
GMs get in free by running three slots as well as early preference to what they want to play before gaming registration opens.
Contact Nathan Littlefield if you interested in running games.
About Pathfinder Society
Pathfinder Society Organized Play is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts YOU in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society, a legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of an ancient world beset by magic and evil.
The campaign’s home base is sprawling Absalom, the so-called City at the Center of the World, that stands astride the great Inner Sea on the mountain-capped Isle of Kortos. A Pathfinder’s adventures explore the dark alleys and political intrigue of Absalom between far-flung travels to the most interesting and exotic locales in the world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, you play a member of the Pathfinder Society, seeking fortune and glory all over the face of Golarion. At the same time, your character works for one of the competing factions, all with their own motivations and secret agendas.
Play is organized into Seasons, throughout which the actions and achievements of you and your fellow Pathfinders create an ongoing storyline. Each season consists of Pathfinder Society scenarios (short, 4-hour adventures) set in a variety of exotic locations across Golarion.